A pile of people. Blood everywhere. Screams.
Nine people were taken to area hospitals with minor injuries after an escalator malfunctioned at the Back Bay MBTA station Sunday evening, officials said.
The incident happened shortly before 6 p.m. on an escalator from the Amtrak and commuter rail platform to the station’s street-level lobby, said Joe Pesaturo, an MBTA spokesman.
Boston EMS sent multiple ambulances to the scene and transported nine patients to area hospitals, the agency said on Twitter.
Transit Police and the Boston Fire Department also responded to the scene, Pesaturo said.
“The escalator will remain out of service while the incident is thoroughly investigated,” he said.
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority马萨诸塞州海湾交通管理局MBTA,又称大都会捷运局MTA,是波士顿公共运营巴士 ,地铁 ,通勤火车和轮渡最大的运输管理部门。