近日,奥的斯巴西公司已在其Rota Escola计划中开设了51个技术实习职位。 该计划是奥的斯电梯(巴西)为努力培养一支训练有素的员工队伍,同时支持继续学习和专业高质量发展的举措的一部分。自2019年以来,该计划50%的实习职位由女性填补,突显了该公司致力于营造多样化、公平和包容的环境。
Otis Brazil Opens 51 Technical Intern Positions in its Rota Escola Program
Otis Brazil has opened 51 technical internship vacancies in its Rota Escola Program. The initiative is part of the company’s effort to have a well-trained workforce, while supporting continuous learning and quality professional development. Since 2019, women have filled 50 percent of the program’s internships, highlighting the company’s commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment.