蒂森克虏伯电梯公司于7月31日宣布,私募股权公司安宏国际资本(Advent International)和盛峰资本(Cinven)对蒂森克虏伯电梯的收购已经完成,所有相关监管机构都批准了这一交易。“此次收购的成功标志着我们历史上的新篇章,”蒂森克虏伯CEO Peter Walker说道。同时,Advent和Cinven表示,他们的目标是通过有机增长,精心又富有针对性的收购,特别是在亚洲的并购,以及高能效产品开发和研发来发展蒂森克虏伯电梯公司。作为所有权变更的一项,蒂森克虏伯电梯将在2021年将其国际总部从德国埃森迁至德国杜塞尔多夫。蒂森克虏伯电梯在全球范围内运营,拥有50,000多名员工,2018-2019年的销售额为80亿欧元(94亿美元)。服务是其最重要的业务,在全球范围内对约140万台设备进行维护,拥有超过24,000名服务技术人员。其稳定的服务业务使蒂森克虏伯电梯公司能够在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情中“展示其基本弹性”,因为它“确保了……医疗设施和公共建筑的内部的流动性”。
The acquisition of thyssenkrupp Elevator by private-equity firms Advent International and Cinven is complete, with all relevant regulatory authorities approving the transaction, thyssenkrupp Elevator announced on July 31. "The successful closing marks a new chapter in our history," CEO Peter Walker said. Advent and Cinven said they aim to grow thyssenkrupp Elevator through organic growth; carefully targeted acquisitions, particularly in Asia; energy-efficient product development; and R&D. As part of the change in ownership, thyssenkrupp Elevator will relocate its global headquarters from Essen to Düsseldorf, Germany, in 2021. With operations worldwide and more than 50,000 employees, thyssenkrupp Elevator had sales of EUR8 billion (US$9.4 billion) in 2018-2019. Service is its most important business, with approximately 1.4 million units under maintenance and more than 24,000 service technicians globally. Its stable service business allowed thyssenkrupp Elevator to "demonstrate its fundamental resilience" throughout the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as it "ensured ongoing mobility in. . .healthcare facilities and public buildings."