6月17日,奥的斯电梯宣布任命吉姆克莱默(Jim Cramer)为美洲区总裁,直接向奥的斯总裁兼CEO朱蒂(Judy Marks)汇报。朱蒂称“在为奥的斯奉献的34年职业生涯中,克莱默获得了丰硕的事业成就,他的战略思维、客户导向视角和为创造包容文化所做出的努力,为他赢得了良好的声望。”。自今年2月起,克莱默代替了今年早些时候离职的汤伟明(Tom Vining)担任美洲区临时总裁一职。克莱默自1986年加入奥的斯,在数个分公司工作过,曾任职美国地区区域总经理,后来还担任了美国西区区域副总裁。克莱默曾任国家电梯行业协会(National Elevator Industry, Inc.)董事会成员。奥的斯美洲区公司在美国和巴西设有制造运营部门和服务中心,在南美和北美地区的14个国家共有雇员约15000人。
Otis has named Jim Cramer president of Otis Americas, reporting directly to Otis President and CEO Judy Marks, the company announced June 17. "During his distinguished 34-year career at Otis, he has earned a strong reputation for his strategic thinking, customer focus and passion for creating an inclusive culture," Marks said. Cramer has been Otis Americas interim president since February, replacing Tom Vining, who left the company earlier this year. He joined Otis in 1986, serving in several branch and regional general manager roles across the U.S. Most recently, he was regional vice president of the U.S. Western Region. Cramer also serves on the National Elevator Industry, Inc. board of directors. Otis Americas employs about 15,000 people across 14 countries in North and South America, with manufacturing operations and service centers in the U.S. and Brazil.