1. 站住!电梯内已满员就不要再进去了。请静候下一台电梯,或者走楼梯。
2. 把手放好。尽量避免接触电梯内部物体表面,也要教育好孩子不要乱摸。
3. 为人着想。主动把电梯让给更有需要的人使用。
4. 保持社交距离。给自己和别人都留点位置,才能更好地前行。
5. 有点不对劲?赶紧联系通力电梯。
6. 注意安全。在政府要求的场所,请记得保持手部干净并佩戴好口罩。
KONE’s Tips for Safer People Flow in Apartment Buildings
1. Stop! Don’t enter a full elevator. Wait for the next one (or take the stairs if you can).
2. Keep your hands to yourself. Avoid touching surfaces and instruct your children to do the same.
3. Be mindful. Give priority use of the elevator to those who need it most.
4. Give yourself (and others) some space. Physical distancing is the way forward.
5. Something amiss? Reach out to KONE.
6. Stay safe. Keep your hands clean and wear a mask if instructed by local authorities to do so.