据当地媒体6月10日的报道,为有效控制新冠肺炎疫情的传播,阿布扎比国际机场的工作人员在机场内53台电梯上都安装了非接触式设备。该机场与当地新公司meta Touch合作,开发并安装了“非接触式按键技术”,使搭乘电梯的乘客可以通过在面板前挥手示意来下达电梯指令。“在我们的电梯里都安装非接触式设备是确保我们的乘客安全的重要举措,”,机场CEO如是说。他还说,该设备的设计使其便于安装在现有的电梯设备上。
As part of their efforts to help stem the spread of COVID-19, officials at Abu Dhabi International Airport have installed touch-free technology on 53 elevators at the facility, Gulf News reported on June 10. In partnership with meta Touch, a U.A.E.-based startup, the airport developed and installed “Touch-less Keypad Technology,” which allows elevator passengers to wave their hand in front of a panel to indicate their desired floor or direction. “The installation of the new technology across our elevators is a significant development in ensuring the safety of all our guests and travelers," said Shareef Al Hashmi, CEO of Abu Dhabi Airports. He added that the technology was designed to be easily installed on any existing elevator.