近日,美国电梯及自动扶梯安全基金会专门修订了“安全大使”计划(Safety Ambassador program),使学校可以通过其增加现有的线上课程或把该计划作为一个工具,推广在家的教育及交互式活动。这新修改的内容可以使小孩子在家就可以学习到如何安全地使用电梯和自动扶梯,以及认识其重要性,同时孩子们可以参与到互动式线上活动,如知识竞赛或猜谜活动等。
EESF Tailored Safety Ambassador to Promote online Education to Kids
The Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation (EESF) has tailored its Safety Ambassador program in such a way that schools can utilize it to supplement their current online curriculum or promote as a tool that can be used as an at-home educational and interactive activity option. The newly updated kit teaches young children how to ride (and the importance of riding) elevators and escalators safely, while keeping them engaged with interactive online activities, such as trivia and puzzles.