据海峡时报在3月的报道,新加坡政府通过了一项关于楼宇控制法的新修订案,更新了全国的电梯及自动扶梯设备的监管框架。这项决议由国家议会作出,规定了电梯及自动扶梯设备所有者必须聘请专业工程师认证设计方案后,方可提交到建设局进行审批。提交审批的文件还必须显示,电梯或自动扶梯型号及安全配件是通过了第三方独立认证机构认证的。在修订期间,议院的几名成员提出可否指定激励措施,以提高国内电梯技术专家的数量。国家发展部部长Zaqy Mohamad指出,近几年国内共有70000台电梯和7000台自动扶梯,每年发生与电梯设备有关的安全事故不多于30宗。考虑到该行业从业人员的老龄化趋势,他提出法律将实行一个递进的工资模型来吸引和留住本国该行业的从业人员。
A newly approved amendment to Singapore's building control law updates the regulatory framework for the country's elevators and escalators, The Straits Times reported in March. The change, enacted by the nation's Parliament, requires lift and escalator owners to hire specialist professional engineers to certify design plans, which must then be submitted to the Building and Construction Authority for approval. The submission must show that the elevator or escalator models and their safety components are approved by independent certification bodies. During debate over the rule, several members of Parliament asked if more could be done, such as creating incentives, to increase the number of vertical-transportation (VT) specialists in the country. Zaqy Mohamad, minister of state for National Development, noted that the country has recently seen fewer than 30 safety incidents per year involving the country's 70,000 elevators and 7,000 escalators. Acknowledging the sector's aging workforce, he said the law will allow for a progressive wage model to attract and retain Singaporean residents within the industry.