据《经济时报》报道,随着印度国内电梯普及率越来越高,电梯事故也在不断增加,因此印度国内的主要电梯制造商正在开展游说,希望政府出台全国统一的电梯设计、建造及安装标准。业内资深人士TAK Mathews说,虽然目前《国家建筑规范》为电梯安装提供了指导,但这只是建议执行,而2019年全国有至少28人在电梯事故中丧生。通力电梯(印度)总经理Amit Gossain也说到,印度只有少数邦,如马哈拉施特拉邦和卡纳塔克邦,是设有电梯法案的,而只有10个邦,会颁发电梯许可证。蒂森克虏伯电梯(印度)首席执行官Manish Mehan称,因为有的大公司雇了缺乏培训的分包商,市场上规模小的电梯公司较多及采用手动电梯门的原因,印度的电梯市场情况将更加复杂。有的地区市场,包括德里,就要求使用更加安全也更加昂贵的自动电梯门。
In light of increased lift accidents as elevators become more prevalent across India, major vertical-transportation (VT) manufacturers are lobbying for national, uniform standards for design, construction and installation of VT equipment, The Economic Times reports. Although the National Building Code provides elevator installation guidelines, these are only recommended, observed industry veteran TAK Mathews, who says there were at least 28 elevator-related fatalities in 2019. A handful of states, including Maharashtra and Karnataka, have lift acts, and only 10 issue lift licenses, according to KONE India Managing Director Amit Gossain. thyssenkrupp Elevator India CEO Manish Mehan says further complexities are presented by major companies employing subcontractors that lack training programs, the number of small players in the market and the use of manual doors. Some markets, including Delhi, have mandated safer — but more expensive — automatic doors, he adds.