据Wanted In Rome报道,2月9日,罗马Furio Camillo地铁站发生了一起自动扶梯倒塌事故,造成巨大恐慌,所幸无人伤亡。该自动扶梯现在已经被查封,待罗马公共交通当局进行调查。该自动扶梯去年发生了好几次故障,还一度导致地铁站临时关闭。而这次的自动扶梯倒塌事故只是罗马地铁最近的一次自动扶梯事故。附近的另一个地铁站因自动扶梯维修关闭两个月,还有另一个站因自动扶梯故障关闭了11个月,在本月才重新开启。2018年10月,罗马Repubblica地铁站发生了一起自动扶梯突然急速逆行的事故,导致数十人受伤。由于受伤人数较多,交通局有关负责人被判刑。有相关调查显示自动扶梯往往只是临时维修,或者完全没有维修,安全系统也被篡改过以掩饰故障记录。
The collapse of an escalator step caused panic but no injuries on February 9 at Rome's Furio Camillo metro station, Wanted In Rome reports. The escalator has been sealed off pending an investigation by ATAC, Rome's public transportation authority. Escalators broke down several times last year, resulting in a temporary closure of the station. The collapse was just the most recent escalator problem to hit Rome's metro system. One nearby station was recently closed for two months to repair its escalators, while another reopened this month after being closed for 11 months due to faulty escalators. In October 2018, dozens of people were hurt when an escalator at Repubblica Station went out of control, hurtling downward at high speed. Criminal charges have been brought against transportation officials in connection with injuries, and an investigation found that escalator repairs were often done in a makeshift manner, or were not done at all, with safety systems being tampered with to cover up malfunctions.