中央电视台大型励志挑战节目《挑战不可能》第二季“吸尘器攀爬悬崖玻璃电梯”在林州市天平山景区拍摄,主人公杨向廷凭借顽强的意志力和敢于挑战的精神成功攀爬120米玻璃悬崖电梯,给大家留下了深刻的印象。但这个高耸入云的“120米悬崖观光电梯” ,是怎样建造的,又有谁知道它背后的故事呢?
(世界第八大奇迹 ——人工天河红旗渠)
森赫团队,勇敢挑战“不可能”,齐心协力攻克重重难关。该项目委托SRH Aufzüge GmbH(德国森赫电梯有限公司)设计研发,森赫电梯股份有限公司制造,从立项、设计、制造到安装经过了近2年的严格技术论证,以天平山景区需求作为出发点,把电梯外观设计融入自然景观之中,同时充分考虑山风、岩石结构、瀑布景观和雨水对岩石渗透等因素对电梯各个环节安全运行综合影响,井道框架创新性的采用高防腐性钢结构和聚碳酸酯纤维玻璃建造,钢结构框架施工过程中组织了100多人次采用“蜘蛛侠”方式进行人工悬空打孔作业并确保施工安全。
China’s program Impossible Challenge brought Sicher’s elevator on the cliff on China Central Television
The Season 2 of inspirational and challenge program Impossible Challenge, held by China Central Television, has found a view and taken videos on Tianping Mountain in Linzhou, where stands the elevator on the cliff and players are required to climb to the top with a vacuum cleaner. Mr. Yang Xiangting has accomplished the mission and climbed to the top of the 120-meter-high grass elevator shaft with his strong will and spirit of never giving up, which has left a deep impression to the audience.
The outdoor elevator with overall view is exactly the one created by Sicher Elevator Company in Tianping Mountain, which has been put into operation in February, 2013. With the lifting height of 120 meters and transport volume of 1260 people per hour, the elevator acts as a new experience in the scenery spot and makes a scientific allocation of people flow. The project has been honored as Elevator World Project.
The project was designed and developed by the Germany-based SRH Aufzüge GmbH and manufactured by Sicher Elevator Copomany. There has been almost 2 years from setting up the project to ended it, which has seen the local needs as a starting point, integrated the design of elevator into landscape and taken the permeation and corruption of wind, sand, rock and rain. The shaft frame has adopted high corrosion-resistance steel and polycarbonate grass. And there have been over 100 times for hanging workers on the cliff to finish the drilling work.
The design, manufacturing, installation and completion of the 120-meter-high sightseeing elevator and the grass shaft in Tianping Mountain represented a satisfactory answer of Sicher for the project.