据纽约邮报报道,纽约州州长 Andrew Cuomo在近日通过了一则关于州内电梯技术人员操作许可证的法案,但由于当地立法机构的要求,该法案要等到2022年1月才正式生效。法案的诞生源于2019年8月基普斯湾某公寓一场导致一人死亡的电梯事故。该“电梯安全法案”要求州劳动部门对电梯技术人员和其他电梯维修相关工作人员颁发操作许可证;要求开展更多技术人员的集中培训和再教育;设立一个九人的电梯承包商许可及电梯安全标准委员会。法案原本计划在6月开始实施,但在立法部门与州政府协商后推迟了生效时间。然而,法案的实行时间还是把原来计划的3年提前到2年后,好让当地建筑部门有足够的时间制定更严格的标准。
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has approved a bill requiring licensing of the state's elevator mechanics but, in a deal worked out with lawmakers, has delayed it taking effect until January 2022, the New York Post reports. The bill was introduced after an August 2019 incident in which a man was crushed to death in an elevator in a Kips Bay apartment building. The "Elevator Safety Act" requires the state Labor Department to license mechanics and others involved in elevator maintenance; requires more extensive training and education; and creates a nine-member Elevator Contractors License and an Elevator Safety and Standards Board. It originally was written to take effect in June but the Legislature pushed it back in a compromise with the governor's office. However, the law moves up the date for NYC officials to comply with mechanic licensing from three years to two and allows the city's Department of Buildings to enact stricter licensing requirements.