Zheng Peiming, President of Otis China On Otis Spinning Off from UTC
During the interview, Zheng Peiming, President of Otis China, on the potential opportunity and risk of spinning-off Otis, has mentioned:
The real independence will truly come in Q2, 2020, which is a normal trend in the U.S.A. too. In 1950s and 1960s, even earlier, corporations have experienced a period of merger. Conglomerates developed a series of diversified and cross-industry operation form through acquisition and merger. This type of development brings a sequence of advantages. As the enterprise grows bigger, the market cycle in different industry could render strengths to compliment other weaknesses. And thus there’d be more stable performance in business and financial reports, leading to stronger attraction to investors. However, it matters less when every business sector grows into a certain capacity, as reciprocal benefits decrease as well. Spinning off from the mother company would provide a better chance for each business to invest and manage accordingly. And therefore, after a separation, from the perspective of an investor, any changes in the market or strategy could directly exert an influence the performance, resulting in unstable revenue for them. As we are a relatively pure-play company, it’s a positive alternative for us to dig deeper in the market, which is good for clients and the market.