据路透社报道,为了更好地吸引买家,蒂森克虏伯正在对其电梯部门减少成本、增加厚利服务合同和提高工厂生产效率。有信源称,蒂森克虏伯的电梯部门是全球四大电梯及自动扶梯制造商之一,而且是目前为止蒂森克虏伯盈利最高的业务单位。蒂森克虏伯电梯期望2018年至2019年的11.4%的调整后的营运利润的增长率,在2020年至2021年可以提高11.5%到13%,从而使利润率与通力电梯、奥的斯及迅达电梯的水平一致。蒂森克虏伯电梯部门的潜在买家包括通力电梯和私募公司CVC,以及其他集团包括安宏企业管理公司Adcent International,私募公司Cinven和阿布扎比投资局(Abu Dhabi Investment Authority)。对蒂森克虏伯电梯部门的可约束性投标截止日期是2020年1月中旬,据分析员说意向价格达到170亿欧元(约合189亿美元)。
thyssenkrupp is cutting costs, adding lucrative service contracts and increasing factory efficiency in its elevator division to make it more attractive to buyers, Reutersreports. The source notes the division is the world’s fourth-largest maker of elevators and escalators and “by far” thyssenkrupp’s most profitable business unit. thyssenkrupp Elevator aims to increase its adjusted operating profit margin from 11.4% in 2018-2019 to 11.5-13% in 2020-2021, bringing it more in line with the profit margins of KONE, Otis and Schindler. Bidders include KONE and private equity firm CVC and another group consisting of Advent, Cinven and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. Binding bids for the division, which analysts say could fetch up to EUR17 billion (US$18.9 billion), are due by mid-January 2020.