据报道,蒂森克虏伯集团(Thyssenkrupp)的新任首席执行官Martina Merz于10月9日告诉员工,蒂森克虏伯将大幅裁员,并于11月对公司结构进行更新。
5月,蒂森克虏伯集团监事会成员一致通过由董事会提出的全面的公司战略调整方案。据报道,该集团宣布对汽车零部件、工厂工程、船舶系统和电梯部门设立新的股权架构持开放态度,但投资者批评该公司由于缺乏进展,最后导致首席执行官Guido Kerkhoff被解雇。
随后,集团监事会主席Martina Merz出任首席执行官,并且本周首次以首席执行官的身份召开高层管理人员会议。管理层会议后,Merz向员工发送了一封信件,称“这是关于加强业务和改善绩效”。
Merz表示:“不大量裁员是不可能的。”并解释说,计划将在零部件技术部门(Component Technologies)和工业解决方案部门(Industrial Solutions)进行重大变革。零部件技术部门将更名为汽车技术部门(Automotive Technology),并推出新的结构。蒂森克虏伯工业解决方案业务首席执行官Marcel Fasswald已离开公司,而该公司出售或上市电梯部门的计划将继续进行。
蒂森克虏伯在Automotive News Europe)列出的全球供应商100强中排名第16位,2018年对汽车制造商的全球销售额为144.3亿美元。
New Thyssenkrupp CEO prepares ground for major job cuts:to unveil new structure in November
It’s reported that New thyssenkrupp chief executive Martina Merz on October 9th has paved the way for deeper job cuts at the ailing conglomerate, telling employees a restructuring program would start in November.
Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp AG has unanimously agreed on the overall strategic plan brought up by Executive Board. The group has announced that they were open to new equity structure in its major divisions including car parts, engineering, shipbuilding and elevator. The former CEO Guido Kerkhoff has been placed by Martina Merz as investors were not satisfied with the slow process on the sale of the profitable Elevator division.