近日,奥的斯电梯(印度)获得创新及供应链领域的认可。在9月25日,销售和市场营销及战略和并购部门的总监Sridar Rajagopal在印度大诺伊达的物联网创新会议上接受了Express Computer的“物联网创新奖”。领奖时,他说:“通过Otis ONETM这样的一整套的物联网服务,我们将会提供目前达不到的更完善的一整套服务。”就在同一天,孟买的2019年第八届当代制造业会议与颁奖典礼(Manufacturing Today Conference & Awards)上,奥的斯班加罗尔工厂被提名为“供应链卓越成就奖——大型企业”的第二名。该奖项有50家企业报名参选,主要考察企业的营运效率和客户满意度。
Otis Elevator India recently received awards for innovation and supply-chain excellence. On September 25, Sridar Rajagopal, director of sales and marketing, strategy and mergers and acquisitions, accepted the “IoT Innovation Award” from Express Computer at the Internet of Things (IoT) Innovation Conclave in Greater Noida, India. "With IoT services like Otis ONETM, the possibilities are immense and will offer a whole set of services not yet possible," he said. On the same day, Otis' Bengaluru factory was named second runner up in the “Excellence in Supply Chain — Large Enterprises” category at the Eighth Annual Manufacturing Today Conference & Awards 2019 in Mumbai. Fifty large manufacturers submitted nominations for the award, which recognizes operations efficiency and customer satisfaction.