2019年10月15-18日,全球最具影响力电梯展之一的2019德国国际电梯技术及零配件展览会(INTERLIFT 2019)在德国奥格斯堡盛大举行,吸引全球电梯领域知名企业齐聚于此。作为全球电梯制造商TOP10的康力电梯,自2005年起持续亮相德展,向世界展示优秀中国电梯品牌魅力!
Canny Elevator Struck a Pose on Interlift Augsburg 2019
Interlift, the globally influenced event for elevator technology and parts in elevator industry, has been held on 15th to 18th, October, 2019, in Augsburg, Germany, attracting thousands of renowned elevator enterprises around the world. As a worldwide Top 10 elevator manufacturing enterprise, Canny Elevator has debut itself on this stage ever since 2005 and displaying a unique charm of China's elevator brands.
On the fair, Canny Elevator has seen the visit to its booth of Germany Association of Elevator Technology, Germany AFAG Company and China Shipper's Association.
Canny Elevator has fulfilled the honor of Top 10 Global Elevator Manufacturers 2019 and Most Brand Value among China's Elevator Enterprises on its 88-sqm exhibition hall, providing example of custom transportation solutions for various fields with international standard to satisfy user requirements worldwide.