10月17日上午,市委副书记、市长钱三雄一行莅临森赫电梯调研 “不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育活动开展情况,省委主题教育第五巡回指导组组长陶时梅,区领导杨卫东、范海鸣,市委主题教育第七巡回指导组组长余加伟等陪同调研。
Shicher Elevator Sees Visits from Qian Sanxiong, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Huzhou
A group of government officials including Qian Sanxiong, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Huzhou, including Tao Shimei, Leader of the 5th Steering Group of theme educational activity of provincial committee, Yang Weidong and Fan Haiming, Leaders of the district, and Yu Jiawei, Leader of the 7th Steering Group of theme educational activity of municipal committee, has paid a visited to Sicher Elevator on the morning of October 17th.
The reception group of Sicher Elevator includes Li Dongliu, General Manger of Sicher Elevator, Wang Jiming, Party Branch Secretary, Yao Fangfang, Chairman of Labor Union. In the duration of the tour, General Manager Li Dongliu has made a detailed introduction on manufacturing and operation, the establishment of the Party branch, plans on theme educational activity, intellectualized reconstruction of the workshop and so on. And Mayor Qian Sanxiong has enquired about the fundamental state of Party branch, safety in production and quality management.