为进一步保障公众乘梯安全,来自全国的60多名电梯行业专业人士7月24日齐聚上海交大国家大学科技园,认真研讨了如何认真贯彻GB7588第1号修改单、《电梯型式试验规则》(TSG T7007-2016),以及《电梯监督检验和定期检验规则》的新规定。以下简称“新法规”。
秦炯 邓丽丽 秦鹏
王一峰、马健勇 、吴豪杰
Elevator Safety and Public Welfare Symposium started in Shanghai
Full implementation of new standards and thus ensure elevator safety
Elevator Supply and Demand Meeting of new standard and Elevator Safety and Public Welfare Symposium has started on July 24th in Shanghai
Zhang Shiyun, a senior expert in elevator industry, has attended the meeting and given advice to the following work.
Lily Deng, founder of e League and Chief Editor of CNLift, has awarded base of Elevator Safety and Public Welfare League to Nanqiao Campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University Science Park.
Detailed figures are showing how important the domestic trend in elevator industry and elevator manufacturing in Shanghai are to the country and even the world, Qin Jiong, Director of Shanghai Elevator Association, added.
However, Lily Deng holds the such opinions towards the trend of elevator development that relevant regulations and rules would be conducted more strictly and manufacturing technologies are moving towards 3D printing and in a more intelligent way. Moreover, China’s elevators are pacing massively to the international market.
The symposium session of the meeting has witnessed various thoughts and ideas on the influences exerted by the new regulations on elevator enterprises, safety problems and subsequent practices.
Further cooperation and resource integration on safety management, regulations and standards, enterprise cooperation, talent exchange, product sales and welfare, and therefore propel the business of elevator safety and welfare to move forward.