本报讯 (胡琼之 记者张 华)“暗查电梯轿厢内用管单位公示的应急电话,救援人员必须按时到场,并带齐规定的救援工具等。”8月24日,湖北省武汉市质监局首次发布《电梯维保质量监督抽查技术规范》(以下简称《规范》)。

Technical Standard for Spot Check on Elevator Maintenance Quality released in Wuhan
Wuhan province has over 87000 sets of elevator products by the end of 2016 and the volume grows at around 18% per year.
The Technical Standard for Spot Check on Elevator Maintenance Quality, to take effect since 23rd September, requires the spot check results on elevator maintenance quality to be reported at least once a month and for those unqualified equipment, notice of hidden danger should be issued on site. Moreover for elevator users, managers or maintenance companies which doesn't rectify their wrong operations or submit their rectification report on time, inspectors should send their report to safety inspection and administration bureaus.
Not only do inspectors give scores to the elevators, as well as elevator maintenance companies, on 4 grades as excellent, good, fair and poor, but they also need to give feasible advices referring to universal and special cases. They have to take photos of those pieces of elevator equipment with huge problems and get the persons in charge sign for knowing the problems, before they deal with the subsequent processes in the cooperation with relevant bureaus.
The Technical Standard has also asked for detailed daily work, including inquiring elevator malfunctions and referring to the records, looking up to emergency response plan and drill records and even making casual inspection on emergency power, such as rescue treatment and tools, by dialing the emergency call and count the time it takes.