Green Building Marks Development Trend in Architecture and Building Materials
sponsored by China Real Estate Research Association, the Seminar on Green Building and Social Housing Projects, undertaken by CECU8848 Urban Economic Research Institution, China Standard Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd.,, has been held in the China CSSTGC Building on 6th, February, 2015. The attendants are more that 260 people, including leaders from over 40 associations, architectural design, investment and construction companies and delegates from green building materials, with Xia Ziqing, the Vice General Secretary of China Real Estate Research Association, hosting the conference.
Experts and leaders have demonstrated the significance of green building and materials to China, from the aspect of energy, environment and even to the comprehensive development of the nation. The year of 2015 will witness an overall ‘green’ demand pouring to food, environment and architecture. And our country holds an aim of adding the numbers of green building by 50% by 2020, which is a definite developing trend in 2015 or even in the future.