《特种设备安全法》的制定经历了12年,可谓12年磨一剑。 张纲参事在讲话中要求电梯监管工作今后要依《特种设备安全法》进行治理,安全监管工作要以贯彻这部安全法为主旋律进行。
鼓励电梯监管、维保新方法 会上肯定了广西应急指挥系统、山东危险源研究工作,鼓励在监管改革环节中运用新科技大胆创新。鼓励安全、节能技术、产品的应用。鼓励物联网、二维码的应用。在电梯维保工作中今后将推行电梯设备根据设备状况、风险进行维保,而不是一刀切维保。会议还对荆州“7.26”重大电梯事故其层监管追责作了说明。 针对荆州基层监管人员被问责情况,总局法规司、特种设备局两次与湖北省质监部门专题研究,商讨妥善方案,避免过度追责,下一步,总局还将就责任追究问题与最高检等有关部门协调。

Elevator Safety Supervision Conference Held In Beijing
National Special Equipment Safety Supervision Conference has been held in Beijing on the 24th February,2016, with Zhang Gang, Councellor of State Department, host the first release ceremony of Special Equipment Safety Regulations.
The adoption of safe and energy-saving technologies and products are strongly encouraged, as well as the application of Internet of Things and QR Code. Moreover, the coming elevator maintenance could be conducted according to various equipment situation and risks.
As to the accountability of the 726 accident, the and the Special Equipment Bureau have twice discussed with Supervision and Quarantine Bureau of Hubei Province, to avoid excessive accountability.