Meinolf Pohle, currently responsible for Europe North on the Group Executive Committee, will take over the responsibility for China. He will succeed Daryoush Ziai, who will step down from the Group Executive Committee to pursue opportunities outside of the company, after a decade driving Schindler’s operations in China.
目前在集团执行委员会负责欧洲北部的Meinolf Pohle将接管中国的责任。他将接替Daryoush Ziai(施达毓),后者将从集团执行委员会辞职,寻求公司以外的机会,此前十年领导迅达在中国的业务。
Meinolf Pohle
Patrick Hess, currently CEO Schindler Switzerland, will join the Group Executive Committee and succeed Meinolf Pohle in leading Europe North. Patrick Hess has been with Schindler since 2001, held several finance positions in Switzerland and in the United Kingdom, before taking on the CEO role at Schindler Aufzüge AG Switzerland in 2018. He holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
迅达瑞士公司现任首席执行官帕特里克赫斯将加入集团执行委员会,接替Meinolf Pohle领导欧洲北部。帕特里克赫斯自2001年以来一直在迅达工作,在瑞士和英国担任过多个财务职位,然后于2018年在瑞士迅达Aufzüge AG担任首席执行官。他拥有瑞士弗里堡大学工商管理硕士学位。
As of April 1, 2025, the Group Executive Committee will be composed of the following members: Paolo Compagna (CEO), Carla De Geyseleer (CFO and deputy CEO), Matteo Attrovio (CIO), Danilo Calabrò (Europe South), Donato Carparelli (CTO), Patrick Hess (Europe North), Vikén Martarian (Americas and Escalators), Hugo Martinho (Human Resources), Meinolf Pohle (China), and Robert Seakins (Asia Pacific).
自2025年4月1日起,集团执行委员会将由以下成员组成:Yu Shi(CEO)Yu Shi(首席财务官兼副首席执行官)、Matteo Attrovio(首席信息官)、Danilo Calabravio(欧洲南部)、Donato Carparelli(首席技术官)、帕特里克赫斯(欧洲北部)、Vikén Martarian(美洲和自动扶梯)、Hugo Martinho(人力资源)、Meinolf Pohle(中国)和Robert Seakins(亚太地区)。