据《哥伦比亚观察家报》报道,10 月 7 日举行的最近一次电梯厅会议的重点是继续争取改善纽约市曼哈顿晨边高地社区的大都会运输局(MTA)重要地铁站的无障碍设施,即电梯和现代化的自动扶梯。作为纽约市最高的地面车站之一,第 125 街和百老汇站没有电梯,自动扶梯也经常出现故障。MTA 于今年 9 月批准的价值 684 亿美元的 2025-29 年资本计划中并不包括符合《美国残疾人法案》(ADA)的车站垂直交通(VT)升级改造。与此同时,MTA 力争在 2055 年之前完成 95% 车站的坡道或电梯建设,以符合《美国残疾人法案》的要求。目前,只有不到三分之一的 MTA 地铁站实现了无障碍通行。电梯厅是晨边高地社区联盟(Morningside Heights Community Coalition)、晨边高地退休和健康服务机构、当地机构、民间组织和居民的联合倡议。MTA 办公室副主任肖恩-菲茨帕特里克(Sean Fitzpatrick)在 10 月 7 日的会议上告诉与会者,第 125 和百老汇站仍然是 “优先车站”,“(VT 升级改造的)资金问题需要解决。......通过重新启动、拥堵收费或其他资金来源"。
Inaccessibility at Key NYC Subway Station Focus of Meeting
The most recent Elevator Lobby meeting on October 7 focused on the continued battle for accessibility improvements — namely, an elevator and modernized escalators — at a key Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) subway station in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, NYC, the Columbia Spectator reports. One of the highest above-ground stations in NYC, the 125th Street and Broadway station has no elevator, and its escalators often malfunction. The MTA’s US$68.4-billion 2025-29 Capital Plan, approved in September, does not include Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant vertical-transportation (VT) upgrades at the station. Meanwhile, MTA is striving to complete construction of ramps or elevators at 95% if its stations by 2055 to comply with ADA requirements. Less than one-third of MTA subway stations are ADA accessible currently. The Elevator Lobby is a joint initiative of the Morningside Heights Community Coalition, Morningside Heights Retirement and Health Services, local institutions, civic organizations and residents. MTA Deputy Chief of Staff Sean Fitzpatrick told those at the October 7 meeting that 125th and Broadway remains “a priority station,” and that the “funding picture (for VT upgrades) needs it be resolved. . .through reactivation, congestion pricing or through an alternative funding source.”