据新星通讯社(Agenzia Nova)报道,10 月 14 日,罗马 Delle Vergini 街的一栋公寓楼发生电梯事故,造成一名建筑工人死亡,两名工人受伤。当时,工人们正在对单元的系统和轿厢进行维护,“钢带松动”,电梯从二楼坠落,砸在工人身上,其中一名 48 岁的尼日利亚公民因受撞击而死亡,另外两名工人被送往医院。事故发生后,警方、相关部门和卫生工作者赶到现场。
One Dead Two Injured in Rome Elevator Mishap
One construction worker died and two others were iniured in an elevator mishap at a condominium building in the Via Delle Vergini area of Rome on October 14, Agenzia Nova reports.The workers were performing maintenance on the unit's systems and cabin when “the anchoring straps came loose” and theelevator fell from the second floor on the workers, one ofwhom-a 48-year-old Nigerian citizen — died as a result of the impact. The other two workers were hospitalized. Police, relevantauthorities and health workers were on-site in thewake of the accident.