科罗拉多金矿电梯故障:1 人死亡,12 人获救
据《丹佛邮报》等多家媒体报道,10 月 10 日,科罗拉多州派克峰上的一座金矿发生电梯故障,导致 1 人死亡,12 人在被困地下,约 7 小时后获救。故障发生时,另有 11 人通过电梯被安全送到地面,但应急人员希望在使用电梯将其余 12 人送到地面之前确保电梯安全。当地警长说,矿井电梯在地下约 500 英尺处发生了 “机械故障”,对乘客构成了 “严重威胁”。他补充说,该矿井自19世纪90年代开业以来一直是一个旅游景点,自1986年有两人被困在电梯中后就没有再发生过安全事故。
Elevator Malfunction in Colorado Mine: 1 Dead, 12 Rescued
An elevator malfunction in a Colorado gold mine on Pikes Peak on October 10 resulted in one person dying and 12 others rescued after being trapped underground for approximately 7 h, The Denver Post is among outlets to report. Another 11 people were safely brought to the surface via the elevator when the malfunction occurred, but emergency crews wanted to make sure the unit was safe before they used it to bring the remaining 12 people to the surface. The local sheriff said the mine elevator experienced a “mechanical issue” when it was approximately 500 ft underground, posing a “severe danger” to the passengers. He said when the elevator was last inspected would be part of the investigation, adding that the mine — a tourist attraction since it opened in the 1890s — has not had a safety incident since 1986 when two people were trapped in the elevator.