通力电梯向办公楼、高层建筑和商业开发项目推出了一种新的解决方案:通力Office Flow™。 与行业内其他产品不同,通力电梯Office Flow结合了电梯的新连接服务,个性化出入管理和建筑物在生命周期中的适应性,改变了人们在大厅或楼层之间移动的方式。通力电梯Office Flow将下一代的楼宇内客流运输体验带入办公室,以满足对智能、可持续的高层建筑不断变化的需求。
Introducing KONE Office Flow and Innovations for High-Rise, Making Buildings Smarter, Safer and More Adaptable for A Changing Urban World
KONE introduced a new solution for offices, high-rise buildings and commercial developments: KONE Office Flow™. It transforms how people can move in a lobby or from floor to floor, combining new connected services for elevators, personalized access management and adaptability over the lifetime of buildings, unlike anything in the industry. KONE Office Flow brings a next generation people flow experience to the office, to meet the evolving needs for smart and sustainable high-rise buildings.