据WBZ4 CBS Boston在10月23日报道,一名州检查员十分肯定,在波士顿发生的一起导致一名妇女死亡的电梯事故,并不是由电梯设备故障引起。在9月14日,奥尔斯顿一栋公寓楼内,一名妇女正试图将一个大包裹搬进电梯,事故就发生了。正当地下层的一名维修工人按键呼叫电梯时,这位妇女的包裹撞到了轿厢顶部的开关,使电梯轿厢即使在轿厢门打开时也可以移动。警方说,这名女子在墙和电梯之间被发现,且已死于窒息。检查员的报告称,没有迹象表明电梯曾发生故障。而根据州内专业执照部门早前的记录显示,该电梯在3月26日进行了年度检查,对开关键进行了维修并确认完成。该建筑启用于1920年,但电梯使用年限尚不清楚。
A state inspector has determined that an elevator accident in Boston that killed a woman was not the result of a malfunction, WBZ4 CBS Boston reported on October 23. In the September 14 accident, the woman was attempting to move a large package into an elevator in an apartment building in the Allston neighborhood. As a maintenance worker in the basement made an elevator call, the package struck a gate switch at the top of the car, which allowed it to move while the gate was open. The woman became pinned between the wall and the elevator and died as a result of traumatic asphyxia, police said. The inspector's report said, “there is no indication that any malfunction occurred with the elevator.” Earlier reports said records from the state Department of Professional Licensure showed the elevator underwent an annual inspection on March 26, and a stop switch was repaired and certified complete. The building dates to 1920, but the age of the elevator was unclear.