蒂森克虏伯电梯公布,8月6日,其创新与资格中心和北美测试与资格负责人艾莉森·鲍尔斯(Alison Powers)在线上仪式中被授予“互联世界女性技术奖”(Connected World Women of Technology Award)。仪式中对艾莉森·鲍尔斯十分认可,称往届获奖小组肯定了她对技术工作的参与;肯定了她在对蒂森克虏伯电梯公司繁荣发展中起到的作用;认可了她对技术发展的贡献;提到了她对其他女性在商业、技术、转型和社区生活中的支持。艾莉森·鲍尔斯出生于亚特兰大,自2013年开始在蒂森克虏伯电梯公司的孟菲斯产品开发中心工作。2008年,她回到亚特兰大,接任创新研究部门的负责人,研究包括MAX预见性维护系统等在内的技术。她持有佐治亚理工学院的机械工程学士学位和斯坦福大学的机械工程学硕士学位。
Alison Powers, head of thyssenkrupp Elevator's Innovation and Qualification Center and Test & Qualification, NA, was awarded the Connected World Women of Technology Award during a virtual ceremony on August 6, the company announced. In recognizing Powers, a panel of past winners noted her involvement with technology; her role in helping thyssenkrupp Elevator prosper and progress; her contributions to the growth of technology; her mentoring of other women; and her efforts to support other women in business, technology, transformation and the local community. Powers, a native of Atlanta, began her career with thyssenkrupp Elevator in 2013, working at the Product Development Center in Memphis. She returned to Atlanta in 2018, taking over as head of Research of Innovation, working on such technologies as the MAX predictive maintenance system. She holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech and Stanford, respectively.