7月22日,奥的斯国际公司宣布其已经加入性别平等企业典范联盟(Paradigm for Parity),将致力于缩小管理层的性别差距。作为性别平等企业典范联盟的一员,奥的斯承诺将在2030年前实现管理人员女性比例达到50%,且将始终贯彻联盟的“五点行动计划”。奥的斯总裁兼CEO朱蒂与性别平等企业典范联盟联合主席Sandra Beach Lin参与了签订会议。“这份承诺对奥的斯全体69000名同事来说,是一个可喜的进展,对整个行业来说更是一个重大的里程碑”,朱蒂如是说。在执行“五点行动计划”的过程中,位于康涅狄格州法明顿的奥的斯公司承诺消除或最小化工作场所中的无意识性别歧视;增加女性管理人员数量;定期汇报目标实施情况和责任履行情况;以经营业绩和工作绩效来规划员工职业生涯;为致力于获得长期成功的女性提供代言人而仅仅是指导者。性别平等企业典范联盟是那些为女性提供与男性一样的权力、地位和机会的行业领导者的联盟。
Otis Commits to Achieving Gender Parity by 2030
Otis Worldwide Corp. has joined the Paradigm for Parity® coalition, committing to closing the gender gap in its leadership ranks, the company announced on July 22. As a member of the coalition, the OEM vows to achieve a 50% level of women among its executives by 2030 and will do so by employing Paradigm for Parity's "5-Point Action Plan." Otis President and CEO Judy Marks participated in a virtual signing event with Sandra Beach Lin, co-chair of Paradigm for Parity. "This commitment is welcome progress for all 69,000 Otis colleagues and a major milestone for our industry,” Marks said. In adopting the 5-Point Action Plan, Farmington, Connecticut-based Otis commits to eliminating, or minimizing, unconscious bias in the workplace; increasing the number of women in senior operating roles; measuring targets and maintaining accountability through regular progress reports; basing career progress on business results and performance; and providing sponsors, not just mentors, to women well-positioned for long-term success. Paradigm for Parity describes itself as an association of business leaders committed to ensuring “women and men have equal power, status and opportunity."