近日,蒂森克虏伯电梯公司宣布其公司总部将在2021年第一季度从埃森迁至北莱茵威斯特伐利亚的杜塞尔多夫。新总部占地超过9000平方米,将搬进德国商业银行旗下不动产管理公司Commerz Real的Wings Building,在杜塞尔多夫国际机场附近。另外还将设有500平方米的户外空间供员工聚会和交流。“总部搬迁反映了我们作为一个全球公司的独立性,”蒂森克虏伯CEO说道,“而且,我们有机会重新创造总部,使之更符合现代化的高效的国际运营公司的标准,也拓宽了我们为员工服务的视野。”。
thyssenkrupp Elevator announced it will move its headquarters in the first quarter of 2021 from Essen to Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The OEM will occupy more than 9,000 m2 in the Wings Building, which is owned by Commerz Real and near the Düsseldorf International Airport. There will also be 500 m2 of outdoor space where colleagues can meet and exchange ideas. "The relocation reflects our independence as a global company,” thyssenkrupp Elevator CEO Peter Walker said. “Moreover, it provides us with the opportunity to create headquarters that are precisely designed to meet the criteria of a modern and efficient globally operating company, while giving us the chance to open up many new perspectives regarding the way of working for our employees."