为祝贺高层建筑与都市人居学会(CTBUH)的50周年庆典,蒂森克虏伯在10月30日芝加哥世界会议中心的庆典上,发布了全球Top-50建筑名单。在会上,MULTI部门首席执行官Michael Cesarz和研究与创新中心负责人Markus Jetter计划分别对“人类交通工具的三维性”和“电梯与城市:电梯如何改变与重塑城市”这两个话题进行讨论。蒂森克虏伯称“在开发电梯系统上起了尤为重要的作用,让建筑师和开发商创造出了不起的建筑,”,并展示了包括北半球最快的电梯在内的17台电梯,和纽约世界一号贸易中心的12台自动扶梯,以及2022年才会启用的哈德逊园区的40套TWIN电梯系统,这套系统可以让两个电梯轿厢在一条井道里独立运行。去年,蒂森克虏伯的MULTI系统获得了高层建筑与都市人居学会的创新奖,而现在,它将服务于北美地区更多的摩天大楼。
thyssenkrupp released its Top-50 Buildings List ,in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s (CTBUH), during its Annual Conference going on through October 30 at the World Congress Center in Chicago. During the event, MULTI CEO Michael Cesarz and Head of the Research & Innovation Center Markus Jetter planned to discuss “The Third Dimension of People Transportation” and “Lift and the City: How Elevators Change and Reinvent the Shape of Cities,” respectively. thyssenkrupp states it has “played an instrumental role in creating elevator systems that have empowered architects and developers to create awe-inspiring buildings,” providing as examples the 71 elevators — including the fastest in the Western Hemisphere — and 12 escalators at the 1,776-ft-tall One World Trade Center in NYC, and the more than 40 TWIN elevator systems, which feature two cars operating independently in one shaft, that will be in operation in NYC’s Hudson Yards by 2022. Observing that MULTI was honored with CTBUH’s Innovation Award at last year’s conference, thyssenkrupp says its vertical-transportation equipment serves many skyscrapers throughout North America.